What Is the Kindle Report Content Error and How To Check It?

kindle report content error

Just like physical books, e-books are also prone to errors. One such error is the kindle report content error. Well, Amazon has given you the authority as the user to report such content errors from your kindle. This way you are going to learn it easily.

One of the best advantages of E-books is that they can be downloaded on a system. And also can be updated and edited very easily as well as immediately. This can easily be done when you see any error in the content is detected. 

There are services like Amazon that are going to allow you to check the status of the content errors that are reported by the kindle e-readers. There are not many users who are going to know how will you access these reports. 

Some users who may not even know how to report these errors.  There might be some content that might not have been showing or syncing properly across the devices. So today, in this guide we are going to show you whether how to report the kindle content error and then monitor them.

Well let us now see how to check the kindle report content error status and then,

how will you able to resolve Kindle Report Content Error:


Kindle table content not working:

When there are self-publishing authors, the kindle providers from Amazon are going to provide you with a tool which is known as the kindle create. If you are an author, publisher, editor, we are going to recommend you to use the kindle create manual that will help you build the interactive portions of the ebook correctly.

Although there are many resources in order to guide you through the process, creating a table of contents and then making it accessible from the kindle menu can be very tricky there are many publishers who do not get it the right way the first time.

When you are a reader, then you can report the table of content issues by following some steps. Let us see those steps:

  • When you are using the web browser on the computer, you need to go to the book’s Kindle page 
  • After that make sure that you scroll down to the point till you reach the option of reporting an issue dialog box. This option is going to be above the option of browsing history below the section of what other items the customers buy after viewing this item. 
  • Then you need to click on the report link which is directly below the option of does this book contain quality or formatting issues?
  • After that, you will be asked to sign in if you are not already signed in. Make sure that when you sign in, you scroll down and then click on the report link.
  • Then from the option of the choose issue drop menu, select the option of others. 
  • There you are going to find the description box and there you would have to describe the issue. 
  • After that click on the submit button and voila.  

If there is a table of content but it has been formatted poorly, or it is not appearing in the Go-to menu, then you can either leave the option of the choose issue menu on the default or select the low-quality images or tables. 

While leaving the description is not going to be that important, but it can be considered as a good practice. It is going to make a lot of things easy for Amazon and the publisher. 

Report the kindle formatting and proofreading errors from the kindle E-reader:

  • When you see the error on the page, tap and then hold onto the misspelled word. If you see that the whole sense has formatting issues, then hold the finger to the first word of the sentence and then slide it across until you are going to highlight the whole sentence.
  • After that, select more from the pop-up menu 
  • Then you need to tap on the report content error.
  • Then you need to select what kind of error it is. 
  • Describe the issue in the text box that is optional.
  • Then you need to press on the submit option. 

These are the steps that are not going to work for the kindle fire tablets and the kindles that are not touch screens. If you have one of the kindle types and you are looking to report the error, then you must use the kindle books webpage.

How will you monitor the Kindle report content error status:

 Amazon is no longer going to allow you to check the kindle content errors from its website. Although initially, you were able to see your Amazon kindle report content error status from a page, not now.

Amazon has now moved the option in order to manage the digital content section under the option of devices and content.

From there, you will be able to monitor the content error status for every book just by pressing the action button that is just next to the book option. Then choose the option of viewing your submitted correction option from the context menu. 

When you see that some error has been modify or been rectified, then Amazon is going to update it. In most cases, it is going to do it automatically when your kindle is connected to the internet. 

If you see that the kindle ebook not downloading, then or is not updating, then you can do that from the digital content management screen. 

Kindle content not showing:

There is one other kindle report content error where you won’t be able to find the content in the library. There may be many reasons for that. One of the few reasons could be synchronization or when you have the latest firmware installed on your device. 

You can also download the book from the content management screen. In some cases, this has fixed the issue. If you are still facing the issue, then do not worry and get in touch with our experts. They will provide you with the best solution for the kindle report content error. To know more check out the website Ebook Helpline.

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